Weekly Sermons

Videos and written copies of each week's message

Last Monday was of course Memorial Day, a day when we honor and remember those in our armed forces who gave their lives for their country. Why would they do that? Certainly many were drafted, but many enlisted of their own accord - why? Why would they give up their lives - and the ones they would have had...

In the past, God has asked His people to do some…pretty strange things - for instance, the story of Noah and the Ark. The fact that God asked a man over 500 years old to build a huge boat in the middle of the desert when it had never rained there before - that's a little odd. God asked Joshua and the people of Israel to ...

Last year, in honor of Mother's Day we showed a video entitled, "Stuff Moms Never Say" - this year I have, "Stuff Moms Never Say - Part 2".

The Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote, "Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence." If you look on social media today, most people may not express it that way - but that's definitely how they live. The choices they make, their decisions, what they value – it's all about the end goal...

When you watch the news – would you say most of it is good news? Crime is up in our cities, international tensions continue to rise, and conflict on social media is out of control. I know Ray remembers the Beatle's song, "All you need is love". If it's so easy – if all we need is love...

Many of you know that in years past, for vacation, my family would go up to my parent's cabin in Wisconsin. It's just this side of a shack but now has indoor plumbing and running water - and sometimes even hot water... It's way up North of Green Bay out in the woods. Years back, before Erin and...

Vitamins and minerals are considered essential nutrients. They work together to perform hundreds of roles in the body. They help strengthen bones, heal wounds, bolster your immune system, convert food into energy, and repair cellular damage. Sounds pretty essential to me, if you want to live.

Apr 09


[Written sermon unavailable.]

'Polytheism' is the belief in many 'gods'. We see this in our world with many different religious faiths. And it's always been that way as different people groups throughout history have worshipped their own cultural 'gods' - Greek 'gods', Roman 'gods', Norse 'gods'... But then along came the Jewish nation claiming that The God of the Universe,...

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