Weekly Sermons

Videos and written copies of each week's message

Every culture throughout history has sought to worship 'something' higher than themselves. Even scientists debate whether or not we are biologically 'hard wired' to seek God. There's even a new scientific discipline called 'neurotheology'. 'Neurotheologians' argue that the structure and function of the human brain may predispose or enable us...

I have a confession to make. I - believe - in vampires. I think all of the legends are completely true! Now, do I still go out after sundown? Yes... Have I stockpiled wooden stakes or garlic? Nope. Do I carry 'holy water' around with me? No, I do not. Does my belief ...

I had a friend on Facebook recently put up a rather controversial question. He asked, "What's the right order - sock, sock, shoe, shoe - OR sock, shoe, sock, shoe?" The order doesn't really matter unless you try 'shoe, shoe, sock, sock' - then there might be a problem. But we do know there are some things in which the ...

When I was a teenager, my father was an idiot. He had all sorts of rules and he didn't seem overly nice. Now that I'm an adult, he's amazingly wiser and he's also much nicer. I think it has something to do with the fact that in truthI was the idiot. The relationship, and my ...

I read an article this past week that I had to share, because I think many people believe what the author was suggesting about her personal beliefs about God. And I'm not trying to share this as a judgment because I believe the author probably had good intentions - and there were some good points. But most of what she shared ...

When you look around, when you think about the wars, the shootings and crime, all the bad things in the world - would you say things are going good? So what's the answer? How do we turn things around? Is the answer more laws? Can the government stop the fighting and conflict? What if we found a new...

Valentine's Day is just 2 days away! And of course I'm an expert on such things as love and romance... Relationships between men and women have always been complicated. But somehow, our society has now made that even more complicated under the banners of 'progress' and 'freedom'.

Last Sunday I spoke on the subject of forgiveness - how we are to forgive others. And it spurred several conversations because it can be such a difficult thing to practice. And I readily admit it's easier to teach what scripture says on the subject than it is to always live it out. But scripturally speaking Jesus tied ...

1993, a teen was shot by another teen he didn't know. The mother of the victim reached out and forgave her son's killer and after he got out of prison, they now choose to live next door to each other.

Today is 'National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday'. It was first established in 1984 by Ronald Reagan. His proclamation was issued on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, about which President Reagan said - the Supreme Court, "Struck down our laws protecting the lives of unborn children." Now it is up to each state as to how they...

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