Weekly Sermons

Videos and written copies of each week's message

Aug 14

Be Wise

There's been a lot of discussion about Artificial Intelligence lately. And the question is whether A.I. will be a huge blessing to mankind or whether it will become self aware and be the end of mankind. It's said that at some point, A.I. will have the entire collective sum of all of human knowledge. Imagine an intelligence that would know ...

Aug 06


Who do you think is the first person I take care of in the morning? - Me. I get up and take myself to the bathroom. Who is the last person I think about at night? Again, me - sure I tell my family good night, but then I wash my face and brush my teeth and put myself to bed. When I think about it - I ...

Hopefully we've learned over the past few years, you never quite know what tomorrow will bring. It's always a good idea to try and keep your pantry stocked and your freezer full. Of course there are also 'preppers' who actively work to be fully prepared for the apocalypse with stock piles of food, emergency supplies and even bullets. ...

Jul 23


I don't think anyone would argue, cancer is one of the worst scourges of humanity. Doesn't matter your race, your political affiliation, your age – I think everyone would agree, it's awful. Does God know the cure for cancer? - Certainly. Why then doesn't God take a Christian Doctor – give him the cure – and...

A story is told of the forests of Poland back in the 1700's; Johann Kant was an elderly man when he set off on a dangerous journey to provide for his family. Along his perilous trek, he ran into a band of robbers. They forcibly took everything he was carrying, the horse he was riding on, and then asked if he had ...

Jun 26


Some of you may have seen this - Jane Arend even emailed me about it...

There are many commercials promising that their product is just the right Father's Day present - whether it's steak or power tools or something golf related... But I want us to focus this morning not on what we can get for Dad - but rather what we need from Dads, from all Christian men.

On our property where we're building, we've had a lot of trees cut down - over a hundred oak and hickories. Some of them were massive, much too big for my chainsaw or skill level. After a professional cut one of the larger ones, I was shocked to see it was almost completely hollow for...

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