Weekly Sermons

Videos and written copies of each week's message

Now when he saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, (2) and he began to teach them, saying: (3) "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (4) Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. (5) Blessed are the meek, for they...

In Johannesburg, South Africa, a young geometallurgist, Steve Chingwaru, has uncovered a $24 billion gold resource – 420 tons – buried in mining waste. The massive discovery came from research for his master's thesis. "They were already extracting the gold from these tailings," he explains, "But all the processors in South Africa are...

Most people have an innate sense of justice. Have you ever been in a movie theater and the bad guy of the film finally gets what's coming to him and the crowd just erupts with applause...? People like to see justice.

On November 25th, 1998, a man named Les Stewart reached his goal of typing all of the numbers from one to one million - in words, not numbers. It took seven manual typewriters, 1,000 ribbons of ink, 19,890 pages, over the course of 16 years and seven months. Mr. Stewart said his secret was to type for...

Think about any of the popular blockbuster movie franchises - 'The Fast and The Furious', 'The MCU and The Avengers', 'John Wick', etc. Most of them don't really feature a lead character who could accurately be described as 'meek'. Meek people typically aren't action heroes. Meek people don't usually have crowds cheering for them. Becoming a 'meek...

I stopped over at Troy Nelson's place one evening a couple weeks back. We were talking about me and Benji flying out to Cincinnati again and how we're looking at two more years of treatments down there. I joked that after much more of this I'd have to visit his PTSD support group! I was joking - but he said, ...

Last Sunday my message was entitled, "Have We Blessed God?" Around the 4th of July we frequently hear the phrase, 'God bless America!' - But what does that actually mean? Many people associate the word 'blessed' with finances - those who are rich are somehow 'blessed'. But that's not really what we're talking about.

Surveys show that currently about 13% of Americans don't celebrate the 4th of July. There are various reasons, and feelings of patriotism ebb and flow for some based on the political landscape. And I want to be clear - you don't have to be patriotic to be a Christian. My first loyalty lies in the fact that I am a citizen of ...

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