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Weekly Sermons
Videos and written copies of each week's message
Righteous Hunger
On November 25th, 1998, a man named Les Stewart reached his goal of typing all of the numbers from one to one million - in words, not numbers. It took seven manual typewriters, 1,000 ribbons of ink, 19,890 pages, over the course of 16 years and seven months. Mr. Stewart said his secret was to type for...
Blessed are the meek
Think about any of the popular blockbuster movie franchises - 'The Fast and The Furious', 'The MCU and The Avengers', 'John Wick', etc. Most of them don't really feature a lead character who could accurately be described as 'meek'. Meek people typically aren't action heroes. Meek people don't usually have crowds cheering for them. Becoming a 'meek...
Rejoicing’s Coming
I stopped over at Troy Nelson's place one evening a couple weeks back. We were talking about me and Benji flying out to Cincinnati again and how we're looking at two more years of treatments down there. I joked that after much more of this I'd have to visit his PTSD support group! I was joking - but he said, ...
Blessed Attitude
Last Sunday my message was entitled, "Have We Blessed God?" Around the 4th of July we frequently hear the phrase, 'God bless America!' - But what does that actually mean? Many people associate the word 'blessed' with finances - those who are rich are somehow 'blessed'. But that's not really what we're talking about.
Have We Blessed God?
Surveys show that currently about 13% of Americans don't celebrate the 4th of July. There are various reasons, and feelings of patriotism ebb and flow for some based on the political landscape. And I want to be clear - you don't have to be patriotic to be a Christian. My first loyalty lies in the fact that I am a citizen of ...
How many here wanted to grow up to be an astronaut, or maybe a doctor, or a professional athlete, or a movie star? Many little kids have huge dreams for their lives. Anyone here ever want to grow up to be a butler? I'm not sure I've ever heard that one from a kid. I was wondering how does one even ...
A Man's Role
Have you noticed that many dystopian movies and books feature some form of authoritarian government that separates families, parents from their children, in order to exercise control? And it's easy to spot in fiction and see the dangers when the family unit is broken up - but it's also been a reality throughout history. We can look...
I am Convinced
Some people have the gift of encouragement, but it seems some have the gift of discouragement. This life is rough enough without all the various discouragements that come our way. What we all really need is more encouragers! So today, I want to focus on the words of one who truly had the gift of encouragement....
Accepting Jesus
I read an article entitled, "How Covid Reshaped the Black Church". And one of its points was that during the time of 'online only' services - many people 'shopped around' and viewed many different Churches virtually. They could see then if what that Church taught lined up with what they personally believed. And many chose what are...