Weekly Sermons

Videos and written copies of each week's message

We see stories about homeless people on the streets in bigger cities. We see people around here with signs at intersections asking for help. Household budgets continue to be tight with inflation and rising food and gas prices. Personally, I have always had a roof over my head and I've never starved, but I have been out of work ...

The endless parade of political ads on TV and the signs everywhere might be a clue that there's an election Tuesday. Most know that I follow politics and have some opinions on the subject. And of course, you do not have to agree with me for us to be friends. Of course if you disagree with me you're wrong...

Have you heard about "Drag Queen Story Hour" that some libraries have hosted? They bring in a man dressed as a woman to read books that explore gender diversity and homosexuality to little kids... And of course it's celebrated by many as empowering - and the rest of us look at each other and think, "What...?" And if I say anything ...

If you watch the news at all - you're well aware of Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine, you know of predicted food shortages and rising fuel costs and inflation, you've probably heard of North Korea's nuclear ambitions and China's threats to Taiwan and economic threats to the US, you've probably heard about Putin giving nuclear warnings, and...

A Danish Proverb says, "Eggs and oaths are easily broken." Some in this world have a rather low view of promises. Others hold a much higher view... American journalist Herbert Agar, wrote, "Civilization rests on a set of promises; if the promises are broken too often, the civilization dies, no matter how rich it may be,...

Have you heard the phrase, 'secular prayer'? Now in my mind, that's kind of a contradiction of terms - but apparently many who don't believe in a higher power still feel the need to pray.

Back in 1973, renowned psychiatrist Karl Menninger wrote a book titled, "Whatever Became of Sin?" In it he lamented the fact that American society seemed to be in the process of rejecting the concept of a divine standard of right and wrong. The word "sin", Menninger maintained, was disappearing from the American vocabulary. He suggested that simply...

This morning is 'Patriot Day' remembering 9/11 but it's also Grandparent's Day. I've heard it said that 'grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your own children'. So I do want to honor those today who hold the title of 'Grandparent.'

So, tomorrow is 'Labor Day' where we celebrate 'work' by 'not working'. The irony never ceases to amuse... But when you think of 'God's work', what do you think of? When did all of that take place? There are a lot who may assume that the bulk of God's work peaked in Bible times and was done ...

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