Weekly Sermons

Videos and written copies of each week's message

What do you think of first when I say the word "church"? Some will think about a 'building'. Others may think about a 'worship service' or various programs. Do you ever think of the church as 'family'?

If a person doesn't believe in God - the 'Christmas story' sounds a bit crazy. - Immaculate conception, angels, God being born in the flesh...? If you don't believe in the supernatural; if you don't listen with 'spiritual ears' - it really makes no sense. It's like when I hear the mythology of ancient...

Many say that Christmas is just too commercialized. And I'd have to wholeheartedly agree with that assessment – but I'm just not ready yet to pull the plug on the whole celebration. I love Christmas lights, I love the decorations, I love Christmas cookies! And I'm aware that some of the traditions of Christmas have been...

It's that time of year where people are looking for just the right gift for that special someone. I'd suggest perhaps somehow checking with that person's social media algorithm... It tracks everything we do in order to predict what we want, even before we know! It's not creepy at all...

A survey about 15 years ago stated that 9 out of 10 Americans reported that they prayed on a somewhat regular basis. Now it's reported that number is closer to 6 out of 10. And looking at our current culture, I don't really think that's a surprise. Last week I spoke about prayer and got a lot of feedback...

It was the summer of 1968 and Donald Jacobson took his son out for a baseball game. Donald, a believer, prayed on a whim, "Lord, it would sure be nice if I could get a baseball for my boy." Right after this prayer, a player hit a home run, and the ball whizzed straight to his feet. Regarding...

It's Thanksgiving time again and we talk about this every year - but can you ever be too thankful? Can you ever be too aware of or too grateful for God's blessings? So we're focusing again on being thankful to God for His many blessings!

The following statements are from The Magna Carta, an English document from back in the year 1215 that limited the government's power over the Church. "Know ye that we, unto the honor of Almighty God, and for the salvation of the souls of our progenitors and successors,…, to the advancement of the holy Church,…. We have granted to God,…,...

Back in January of this year, the 'Science and Security Board of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' moved the hands of the 'Doomsday Clock' forward because of the mounting dangers of the war in Ukraine. The Clock was moved to 90 seconds to midnight - the closest to global catastrophe it had ever been.

There are an awful lot of things going wrong in the world. I've said it before; I believe the days of 'comfortable Christianity' are coming to a close. Following Jesus has always come with a price, but in our modern nation - living as a Christian has had little risk. And as such, many have been lulled into a ...

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